Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Last Workshop for the 2011-2012 School Year

Yes, that’s right.  Monday, Nov 7, 2011, will be the last workshop for the school year.  If you have yet to attend a workshop, this will be your last chance to get trained on the sculpting and glazing techniques.  If you have already attended one of the previous workshops, we’ll have your clay pieces ready for you to glaze.  Also you can pick up any finished pieces that you have glazed in the previous workshops.

So come out and join us for some fun with clay.  Clay Docent is a great opportunity for you to get involved with your child’s class.  No experience is necessary.

We look forward to seeing you in the Science Lab on Monday, Nov 7, 2011 from 8:00 to 11:30 am. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Clay Docent Program is in Full Swing

The first batch of glazed pieces have been fired.  The kids did a fantastic job making and glazing their pieces.  The kiln was full of fishes, snowmen and oval handprints.  The new glaze colors that we picked up this summer look great.  See for yourself...

Fishes from Mrs. Hickman/Zapala's 3rd Graders
Snowmen from Mrs. Nieman's 2nd Graders
Oval Handprint from Mrs. Jackson's AM Kinders
Oval Handprint from Mrs. Jackson's AM Kinders 
Oval Handprint from Mrs Membrano's Kinders

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Clay Docent Workshop Oct 10th

Just a reminder that our second Clay Docent Workshop is on Monday, Oct 10, 2011 from 8:00am-11:30am.  We'll be in the Science Lab.

During this workshop we'll be covering glazing techniques.  We'll also cover the 3 sculpting techniques (slab, pinch and coil) if you missed the first workshop.

All that pieces that were made at the first workshop have been fired and are ready to be glazed.  If you were unable to attend the first workshop, you'll have the opportunity to make any of the pieces that you need to.  

We look forward to seeing you on the 10th.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Thank You for Attending the Workshop

The Clay Docent Committee would like to thank all the volunteers who attended today's workshop.  We had a great turn out of volunteers. Everyone did a fantastic job making the projects!

If you did not get all your questions answered this morning, feel free to email us at or if you see one of us on campus stop us.

Remember if you were unable to make all your projects or unable to attend today's workshop, there will be another workshop on Oct 10th from 8-11:30am in the Science Lab.  In addition to demonstrating glaze techniques, you will be able to make any project that you were unable to work on at the next workshop.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Clay Docent Workshop 9/19

Just a reminder for the Clay Docent Workshop on Monday, 9/19, from 8:00-11:30am in the Science Lab.

From 8:30-9:30am, we will cover the 3 clay sculpting techniques - slab, pinch and coil.  There are 3 projects for each grade level.  This year there are new projects for the third and fifth grade classes.

The Clay Docent Workshops are on a drop-in basis.  We hope to see you there.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

2011-2012 Clay Docent Calendar

The Clay Docent Schedule for all classrooms has been posted.  Click here to see the Clay Docent Calendar.

Also you can click on the "Calendar" tab on the top menu bar or the "Classroom Clay Schedule" link in the side column under "Clay Calendar" to see the Clay Docent Calendar.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Save the Date - Workshop Schedule

The Clay Docent Workshops have been scheduled for the following dates:
  • Sept. 19, 2011 (Mon)
  • Oct. 10, 2011 (Mon)
  • Nov. 7, 2011 (Mon)
All workshops will be held from 8-11:30am in the Science Lab.

For those of you who are new to the program, the Clay Docent Workshops are on a drop-in basis.  From 8:30-9:30am, there will be a demonstration of the 3 clay techniques (slab, pinch and coil)  that will be used for the 3 grade level projects.  If you cannot be there for the clay technique demonstration, you can ask one of the Clay Docent Committee Members for a demonstration any time during the Workshop.

For a list of the grade-level projects, please click on the "Projects" tab in the menu bar or on the grade level link under "Grade Level Projects" in the right-hand column.  Grade level projects are subject to change.  We are still finalizing all projects for this year.

If you have any question, please contact the Clay Docent Committee at

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome Back

Welcome back to school.  We hope that everyone had a nice summer break.

It's that time again to start recruiting.  The Clay Docent Committee is looking for volunteers for your child's classroom as well as for the Committee.  No experience is necessary.

If you like to have fun with your child, like being creative or just like to help out in your child's classroom, Clay Docent has the perfect opportunity for you.

We hold 3 Open House Workshops to go over the details of the Clay Docent Program.  Please check back for dates and times of the workshop.

If you have any questions or are interested in helping out with the Clay Docent Program, please contact us at

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thank You for another Great Year of Clay

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who came out on the 23rd to help clean-up all the clay supplies and kiln room. We really appreciate your help.

We also would like to thank all the parents who volunteered in the classrooms with all the clay lessons. We are always amazed at the pieces that the kids produce. The kids do a fantastic job thanks to all of you.

For those of you whose kids are going on to Middle School, it's been a pleasure working with you and we wish your kids well as they move on.

Enjoy your summer and hope to see you again in the Fall!
Patty, Meghana, Maneesha, Hedieh & Kim

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

End of Year Clean-up

With end of the school year, and many beautiful projects delivered, its time to tidy up and prep it for next year. To do that, the clay docent committee needs your help with the clean up. The clean up will be done on Monday 5/23 from 8:00-11:30AM in the Science lab. We will need at least 8 volunteers to complete the tasks. Activities for this session will include cleaning out the kiln room and doing inventory, cleaning out the kiln, cleaning the tools and wallpaper, wiping down all glaze jars, cleaning brushes and doing inventory.

Even if you are available for a 1/2 hour, your helping hand will be much appreciated. :-) Please let Hedieh Yaghmai-Steele or Kim Yamada know if you are available that morning.

Also, for all the volunteers who made samples at our workshops, your samples need to be picked up by this date or they will be tossed.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions

What supplies do I need for a sculpt project?
  • Clay
  • Drying Board(s)
  • Buckets
  • Towels
  • Newspaper
  • Wallpaper
  • Plastic cups for water
  • Samples
  • Any tools necessary for your project

What supplies do I need for a glaze project?
  • Newspaper
  • Drying Board(s)
  • Buckets
  • Towels
  • Glazes
  • Brushes
  • Samples
  • Bisque Pieces (Fired Pieces)

Where do I find the bags of clay for the slab projects?

Bags of clay are stored in the Science Lab. The bags can be found under the counter on your left-hand side as you enter the Science Lab from the Copy Room.

Where do I find my bisque pieces (fired pieces)?

All bisque pieces (fired pieces) are stored in a plastic bin in the kiln room. The tag used on the drying board(s) will be in the plastic bin to label each classes pieces.

What is a bisque piece?

A bisque piece is a clay piece that has been fired in the kiln.

Where do I find the glazes and brushes?

Glazes and brushes are stored in a top cabinet in the Science Lab. The cabinet is on your left-hand side as you enter the Science Lab from the Copy Room.

Where do I find the sample pieces?

Sample pieces are stored in plastic bins in the kiln room. There is a plastic bin for each grade level.  The bins are labeled:
  • "K" - Kindergarten
  • "1" - First Grade
  • "2" - Second Grade
  • "3" - Third Grade
  • "4" - Fourth Grade
  • "5" - Fifth Grade
The bins are stored on the second shelf from the top in the middle column of shelves.

Where can I find the templates used for the projects?

Templates are stored in a plastic bin in the kiln room. The template bin is stored on the first shelf from the bottom in the middle column of shelves.

Where can I find a list of the grade level projects?
What is scrap clay?

Scrap clay is the left over clay from the slab projects. Scrap clay needs to be stored in the clay bags with the wire twist closing the bag. Bags of scrap clay are stored next to the bags of slab clay in the Science Lab.

What projects use conditioned scrap clay?

All pinch and coil projects use conditioned scrap clay.

Why do I need to condition the scrap clay?

It is highly recommended that the scrap clay be conditioned for the all pinch and coil projects. Conditioning the scrap clay softens and moistens the clay so that the clay is easier to work with. Scrap clay should be conditioned at least one day in advance.

What is "conditioned scrap clay"?

"Conditioned scrap clay" is balls of scrap clay that have been kneaded and/or pounded to remove any trapped air pockets. Conditioned scrap clay should be stored in a clay bag with a wet towel to moisten the clay. Please remove and rinse the wet towel once the conditioned scrap clay has been used.

Where can I condition the scrap clay?

You can condition the scrap clay in the Science Lab at least one day before your scheduled project. Please check with the front office for availability of the Science Lab.

If the Science Lab is not available, you can always take a bag of scrap clay home and condition the clay at home.

Where do I pick up my finished pieces?

Clay Docent Volunteers will be notified when their glazed class pieces have been fired and ready for pick up. All finished pieces will be in a plastic bin in the kiln room. The labels used on the drying boards will be in the plastic bin to label class pieces.

Where is the kiln room?

The kiln room is also the Art Docent Room and the Book Room. The kiln room is the room with the double doors next to the lunch box drop off cart next to the office.

How do I know what day my class has Clay Docent?

Who schedules the Clay Docent lessons?

The teachers schedule their class Clay Docent lessons taking into consideration the school's master schedule (including assemblies, STAR testing, fire drills, etc.), their own classroom schedule and curriculum.  However, there may be other unforeseen conflicts which will require revisions to the schedule in which case you will need to contact the Clay Docent Committee immediately, so we can re-schedule your lesson.

How do I contact the Clay Docent Committee?

You can email the Clay Docent Committee at

How do I know who the other Clay Docent volunteers are in my class?

We give each classroom's Clay Docent volunteers a list of their classroom volunteers.  Your teacher will also have a list.

How do you teach the lesson for a combo-class (i.e.; K/1, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5)?

Since each grade level will be making different project for the sculpt session, we recommend that each grade level have their own set of parent volunteers.  As one group, go over the basics - clay technique being taught, how to use the tools, what do you do for clean-up.  Break up into grade-level when actually teaching the project.  

What do I do if I can't get enough parent volunteers to help teach the lesson?

If your class does not have enough parent volunteers (4-5 recommended), send out an email to all the families in your class and "cc" your teacher notifying the class that you will have to CANCEL the lesson if you are unable to get more parent volunteers.

If no more parent volunteers step up, notify the Clay Docent Committee that you need to cancel the lesson.

What do I do if a student is absent on the day the class is sculpting the project?

One of the parent volunteers can sculpt the project for the student or you can have the student sculpt their own project at a later date. Keep in mind if the student sculpts the project at a later date, their piece may not be fired in time for the class glaze session.

Even if a student is not absent on the day of the sculpting, we recommend that one of the parent volunteers sculpts the project in case a new student is added to the class.  In this case the new student will have a piece to glaze during the glazing session.

What if we have a new student who was not at the school when we sculpted the project?

If one of the parent volunteers made an extra piece at the sculpt session of the project, the new student can glaze that piece.

If you have an extra piece made by a student who has left the school, the new student can glaze that piece.

With the influx of new students in the middle of the school year, it is a good idea if a parent volunteer makes an extra piece if your class has room for a new student.

Grade Level Projects