Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Clay Docent Program is in Full Swing

The first batch of glazed pieces have been fired.  The kids did a fantastic job making and glazing their pieces.  The kiln was full of fishes, snowmen and oval handprints.  The new glaze colors that we picked up this summer look great.  See for yourself...

Fishes from Mrs. Hickman/Zapala's 3rd Graders
Snowmen from Mrs. Nieman's 2nd Graders
Oval Handprint from Mrs. Jackson's AM Kinders
Oval Handprint from Mrs. Jackson's AM Kinders 
Oval Handprint from Mrs Membrano's Kinders

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Clay Docent Workshop Oct 10th

Just a reminder that our second Clay Docent Workshop is on Monday, Oct 10, 2011 from 8:00am-11:30am.  We'll be in the Science Lab.

During this workshop we'll be covering glazing techniques.  We'll also cover the 3 sculpting techniques (slab, pinch and coil) if you missed the first workshop.

All that pieces that were made at the first workshop have been fired and are ready to be glazed.  If you were unable to attend the first workshop, you'll have the opportunity to make any of the pieces that you need to.  

We look forward to seeing you on the 10th.