Sunday, September 30, 2012

Clay Docent Workshop #2 - Oct 8th

Time is quickly approaching.  Our 2nd Clay Docent Workshop is on Oct 8th (Monday) from 8-11:30am in the Science Lab.  We will be going over glazing techniques.

If you attended our first workshop on Sept 17th, your pieces will be ready for you to glaze.  If you were unable to complete all your projects, you will still be able to work on those projects at this workshop and your pieces will be ready to glaze at the 3rd workshop on Nov 5th.

If you were unable to attend our first workshop, you will still be able to work on your grade level projects at this workshop.  We will go over the 3 clay techniques with you after we have gone over the glazing techniques.

Also if you are unable to attend this workshop, our 3rd workshop will be held on Nov 5th (Monday) from 8-11:30am.  The 3rd workshop will be our final workshop for the school year.

The Clay Docent Workshops are on a drop-in basis.  From 8:30 - 9:30 am, there will be a demonstration of the glazing techniques and clean-up.  If you cannot be there for the glazing technique demonstration, you can ask one of the Clay Docent Committee Members for a demonstration any time during the Workshop. 

For a list of the grade level projects, select your child's grade level under the "Grade Level Projects" heading on the right-hand side bar.

Questions?  Contact the Clay Docent Committee at

Hope to see you on the 8th!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thank You Clay Docent Volunteers

Thank you to all the Clay Docent Volunteers who were able to attend our first workshop on Sept 17th.  We had a great turn out.  Everyone's pieces were fantastic! 

Here are some of our talented Clay Docent Volunteers:

First Grade
Second Grade 
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade

Friday, September 14, 2012

Clay Docent Workshop #1 - Sept 17th

The first Clay Docent Workshop of the 2012-2013 school year is on Monday, Sept 17th, from 8:00 - 11:30 am in the Science Lab.

The Clay Docent Workshops are on a drop-in basis.  From 8:30 - 9:30 am, there will be a demonstration of the 3 clay techniques (slab, pinch and coil)  that will be used for the 3 grade level projects.  If you cannot be there for the clay technique demonstration, you can ask one of the Clay Docent Committee Members for a demonstration any time during the Workshop. 

For a list of the grade level projects, select your child's grade level under the "Grade Level Projects" heading on the right-hand side bar.

Questions?  Contact the Clay Docent Committee at

Hope to see you on Monday!