Monday, August 25, 2014

2014-2015 Clay Docent Workshop Schedule

We're dusting off the drying boards, prepping the kiln and getting our creative juices flowing again.  It's time for the Clay Docent Workshops.  We have scheduled the first two workshops.  This year the workshops will be on Thursdays from 8:00-11:30am in the Science Lab.

Workshop #1 - September 8, 2015

Workshop #2 - October 6, 2015

Workshop #3- November 3, 2015

Clay Docent Workshops are on a drop-in basis.  From 8:30-9:30am, there will be a demonstration of the 3 clay techniques (slab, pinch and coil) that will be used for the 3 grade level projects.  If you cannot be there for the clay technique demonstration, you can ask a Clay Docent Committee Member for a demonstration any time during the Workshop.  

At the Workshop, we recommend that you try to make all three of your grade level projects.  Then at the next workshop, if you were not able to complete all of the projects you can then do so.

For a list of the grade-level projects, please click on the "Projects" tab in the menu bar or on the grade level link under "Grade Level Projects" in the right-hand column.  

Glazing will be covered at the second and third Workshops.

Questions? Please contact us at

Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome Back

Hard to believe that the summer break is over.  We hope that everyone had a great break and is ready to start the new school year.

As soon as the front office finalizes the school calendar we will schedule our Clay Docent Workshops.  There will be 3 workshops.  Our first workshop will be in September.  Please check back for the date and time.